Link utili
- AEMES - Asociacion Espanola de Metricas de Software
- AGID - Centro Nazionale per l'Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione (ex DIGIT-PA)
- AICQ - Associazione Italiana Cultura Qualità
- ASSEMI - Association pour Etudes des Métriques Informatiques
- A-SPIN Italia – Automotive Software Process Improvement Network Italia
- BFPUG - Brazilian Function Point User Group
- CMG - Computer Measurement Group
- COSMIC - Common Software Metrics International Consortium
- DASMA - Deutschsprachige Anwendergruppe fur Software Metrik and Aufwandschatzung
- FISMA - Finnish Software Metrics Association
- GMEE - Gruppo Misure Elettriche ed Elettroniche
- IEEE CS - IEEE Computer Society
- IFPUG - International Function Point Users Group
- ISBSG - International Software Benchmarking Standards Group
- ItSMF Italia – IT Service Management Forum Italia
- ISO - International Organization for Standardization
- ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 – ISO/IEC - Joint Technical Committee 1 – SubCommittee 7
- ITA-STQB – Italian Software Testing Qualification Board
- JFPUG - Japanese Function Point Users Group
- KFPUG - Korea Function Point Users Group
- MAIN - International Network of Metrics Associations
- NESMA - Netherlands Software Metrics Users Association
- PMI-NIC – Project Management Institute – Northern Italian Chapter
- PMI-Rome – Project Management Institute – Rome Italy Chapter
- PMI-SIC – Project Management Institute – Southern Italian Chapter
- PSM - Practical Software and Systems Measurement
- SEI - Software Engineering Institute
- SWISSMA - Software Engineering Institute
- UKSMA - United Kingdom Software Metrics Association
- UNI - Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
- UNINFO - Ente di Normazione sulle Tecnologie Informatiche e loro Applicazioni (federato all'UNI)