SwissICT Meeting

2° #EventoMetrico 2015

Venerdi 25 Settembre p.v. si terrà a Lugano, presso il Centro Congressi Hotel Lugano Dante, PIAZZA CIOCCARO 5 6900 LUGANO (SWITZERLAND) dalle 12.00 alle 18.00 lo SwissICT Meeting e 2° Evento Metrico 2015



Programma della Giornata

  • Registrazione
  • Eberhard Kranich, Duisburg: Agile Testing
  • Testing software or services is essential for customer experience. When is testing done? This talk gives a surprising answer
  • Pranzo
  • Luigi Buglione, Roma: Agile Measurement.
  • What measurements are needed when developing software in an agile environment?
  • Thomas Fehlmann, Zurich: Using the Buglione-Trudel matrix for agile food consumption
  • This talk comes with a practical, agile and interactive experiment: a buffet lunch will be served that allows understanding the practical significance of the Buglione
  • Trudel matrix in agile development.
  • Thimoty Barbieri, Torino: CPM Counting Practices And The Unbearable Lightness Of ILFs And EIFs
  • This talk sounds more technical that it is: IFPUG counting practices are very helpful in an agile environment if done right.
  • Ton Dekkers, Amsterdam: Cost Engineering in the public sector - The Dutch Experience
  • In the Netherlands, professional cost engineering has become part of every public ICT project. It had some impact, and Ton will explain you why.
  • Tavola Rotonda

La locandina e' scaricabile al seguente link

Elenco degli abstract scaricabile al seguente link


Ricordiamo che l’incontro darà inoltre diritto a

1 (1) CEC for the IFPUG CEP program
5 PDU (Professional Development Units), valide per il CCR (PMI ;Continuing Certification Requirements program)

Come Registrarsi (RESIDENTI IN ITALIA)

Le iscrizioni sono GRATUITE e sono già aperte (posti limitati – accettate fino alla capienza consentita della sala)


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“Partecipazione 2° Evento Metrico 14/05/2015 (Nome, Cognome – Organizzazione)

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GUFPI-ISMA – Gruppo Utenti Function Point Italia – ISMA 

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Come arrivare

Il Polo Biomedico e Tecnologico Centro Didattico Morgagni Viale Morgagni, 40/44 – 50134 Florence (FI) – Italy è facilmente raggiungibile